Monday, September 24, 2012

To Understand Startups Understand Growth

Morning view of mighty Brahmaputra from IIT Guwahati. Taken by Gunjan
If you want to understand startups, understand growth  - this the key. I missed sharing this brilliant article on understanding startups over the weekend. I was also double minded - it's not really a 5 mins read. If it is more than 2000 words - people will not read - this is what my daughter tells. Assuming an average person reads about 300 words per min this is about 15 min read. But, nonetheless, I couldn't stop sharing this - I know some of you would like this.

A startup is a company designed to grow fast. Being newly founded does not in itself make a company a startup. Nor is it necessary for a startup to work on technology, or take venture funding, or have some sort of "exit." The only essential thing is growth. Everything else we associate with startups follows from growth. Read on & put your comments ...

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